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26 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Development, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

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26 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Development, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

26 Weeks Pregnant

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How Big Is My Baby At 26 Weeks Pregnant?

Your baby is having regular periods of rest and activity and is about the size of a scallion. The baby is about 14.02 inches long and weighs about 1.68 pounds.

Baby Development

  • Your baby’s hearing is completely developed.
  • Your baby’s eyes are fully developed.
  • The hair on the baby’s head is growing and thickening.
  • Little fingerprints and fooprints begin to form.
  • Pigment is developing to add color to the baby’s skin.
  • Your baby’s spine is getting stronger.

26 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Blurred Vision:  You may have blurred vision due to build-up of fluid in your eyes. Your need not worry, as it is a common and normal side effect at this stage of pregnancy.

Painful Baby Movements:  Your baby starts moving a lot starting this week. As your baby wriggles around, you may feel you may feel pain or discomfort in your ribs, tummy or vagina. If the movements become painful, try to shift positions or stretch.

Headaches/Migraines:  Headaches are common during pregnancy. Headaches are caused by surge of pregnancy hormones. Hunger, dehydration, lack of sleep, and stress can also cause headaches. Practicing some relaxing techniques will help you deal with common headaches. You are more likely to have migraines if you suffered from migraines before becoming pregnant. Massage, meditation, and yoga can help cope with migraines.

Forgetfulness:  You may have trouble concentrating and may become forgetful. This is known as “pregnancy brain”. What causes pregnancy brain is not known to experts, but it is thought to be caused by biological factors or having too many thoughts in the mind.

Insomnia:  Your sleep may be disrupted by body aches, leg cramps, anxiety, and frequent urination.

Clumsiness:  You may find yourself off-balance and prone to slipping or falling. This happens due to your loosened joints, extra weight and your shifted centre of gravity. Although clumsiness is a temporary side effect of pregnancy, you need to be extra careful to prevent falling or slipping.

High Blood Pressure:  A slight increase in blood pressure is common and normal at 26 weeks pregnancy. If your doctor thinks the increase is too high, he/she may need to monitor your blood pressure regularly. High blood pressure could be could be a sign of preeclampsia.

Bloating And Gas:  Bloating and gas occur as the progesterone hormone relaxes the gastrointestinal tract, causing slowing of the digestion process.

Round Ligament Pain:  Some pregnant women experience round ligament pain. This pain feels like achy or sharp pain on one or both sides of the abdomen. You may feel this when you’re getting up, stretching or twisting. This pain caused by stretching and thinning of ligaments that support your womb.  This change occurs to accommodate the increasing weight.

Braxton Hicks Contractions:  You may feel irregular and less painful contractions as your uterus becomes tight and prepares for labor. These miniature contractions are perfectly normal at this point of your pregnancy. They normally disappear when you change positions. Call your doctor if contractions persist.

Itching:  About 20 percent of pregnant women feel itchy during pregnancy, usually in the abdomen. Some pregnant women also experience red, itchy palms and soles of the feet. It is believed that itching is mostly caused by pregnancy hormones and stretching skin. Usually the itchy feeling goes away after giving birth.

Swelling:  You may notice swelling of your feet and ankles. This happens because of poor blood circulation in your legs. This can also happen due to excess fluid retention in your body. This is normal and there is no cause for worry. Avoiding standing or sitting for long periods of time and popping your feet up high will help.

26 Weeks Pregnant: Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

  • Get your glucose screening test to check for risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Continue to follow good prenatal habits like eating healthy food and taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins daily.
  • Wear breathable loose clothes and a supportive bra to feel comfortable.
  • Eat fiber-rich foods, drink plenty of fluids (at least ten 8-ounce glasses per day), and consume prunes and prune juice to relieve constipation.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals, eat slowly, avoid eating late, and wait at least 3 hours before lying down after eating for better digestion and preventing heartburn.
  • Take plenty of rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Avoid long and strenuous physical activity, exercises involving jerky or sudden movements.
  • Don’t take any medication or herb without your doctor’s clearance.
  • Spend time or keep in touch with family, friends, and other loved ones and share your feelings. This will help you to cope with stress and anxiety and stay calm and relaxed

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