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39 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Development, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

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39 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Development, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

39 Weeks Pregnant

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How Big Is My Baby At 39 Weeks Pregnant?

Your baby’s organs are matured and are ready for life outside the womb. The baby is about the size of a mini watermelon. The baby is about 19.96 inches long and weighs about 7.25 pounds.

Baby Development

  • Your baby is considered full-term now and organs are ready to function on their own.
  • By this week, your baby may turn into a head-down position for birth, just like most babies.
  • Your baby gets antibodies from the placenta to protect her against illness after birth.
  • Most of the vernix that covered your baby’s skin has disappeared.
  • The endocrine system starts releasing extra stress hormones in preparation for birth.
  • Lungs produce surfactant to help airsacks inflate and function properly after birth.

39 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Pelvic Pressure:  You may feel pain and heavy pressure in your lower abdomen or pelvis when the baby drops down lower in preparation for birth.

Insomnia:  Your sleep may be disrupted by body aches, leg cramps, anxiety, and frequent urination.

Vaginal Discharge:  You may notice a mucus-like thick vaginal discharge. This indicates dilation of your cervix in preparation for birth. This discharged substance is called a mucus plug. This substance gets released as your cervix dilates in preparation for labor.

Blood Show:  You may notice mucus-like vaginal discharge tinged with pink, brown or red blood. This blood discharge occurs as a result of ruptured blood vessels in the cervix during dilation. Blood discharge indicates that you are getting closer to labor.

Nesting Instinct:  Nesting is a strong desire to clean, organizes, and get your home ready for your baby. You may find yourself cleaning and organizing things in the middle of the night. The nesting instinct is common and normal during the third semester and is strongest in the later weeks coming up on delivery.

Lightning Crotch:  You may experience sudden and often sharp pain deep in the pelvis or vaginal area during the final stages of the pregnancy. This pain occurs when the baby’s movements or jab hit one of the sensitive nerves in the area.

Braxton Hicks Contractions:  You may feel irregular and less painful contractions as your uterus becomes tight and prepares for labor. These false contractions help your body prepare for the real contractions and are totally normal at this point of your pregnancy. They normally disappear when you change positions. Call your doctor if contractions persist.

Frequent Urination:  Needing to pee frequently will continue and is a common and constant problem during the entire pregnancy. Pregnant women commonly experience temporary bladder control problems in pregnancy. Baby in your womb baby pushes down on the bladder, urethra, and pelvic floor muscles. This pressure can lead to more frequent need to urinate, as well as leaking of urine when sneezing, coughing, or laughing.

Backache:  Backache is mostly an ongoing symptom of pregnancy, which you have to live with. This happens because your growing baby puts a lot of pressure on your inner muscles.

Heartburn:  Heartburn occurs when stomach acids move upwards to the esophagus. This happens due to enlarged uterus pushing the gastric acids upwards.

Hemorrhoids:  Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy and almost half of the pregnant women get hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed, and bulging veins in the rectum and anus. They can cause discomfort, itching, pain, and bleeding. An increased volume of the blood during pregnancy can cause veins to swell and enlarge. The expanding uterus also puts pressure on the veins in the rectum. Constipation can worsen hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids usually improve after giving birth.

39 Weeks Pregnant: Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

  • Make arrangements to look after your other children, pets, and garden while you are away in the hospital.
  • Pack your hospital bag with all the essential things needed for you and your newborn.
  • Pre-register at your chosen hospital or birthing center so that your admission will be quick and easy when you arrive at the hospital.
  • Eat small meals or snacks at regular intervals for better digestion and to prevent heartburn.
  • Keep yourself adequately hydrated by drinking a lot of water.
  • Don’t sleep on your back, instead sleep on your left side. Sleeping this way will help increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach your baby.
  • Learn about the stages of labor to help you recognize when the real labor begins.
  • Spend quality time with your partner, family, friends, and other loved ones and share your feelings. This will help you to cope with stress and anxiety and stay calm and relaxed.

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