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6 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Development, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

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6 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Development, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

6 Weeks Pregnant

When you’re 6 Weeks Pregnant, your baby is already an embryo (the embryonic period is between 1-8 weeks of pregnancy). At this stage, body systems and vital organs start forming or continue to grow. Your baby’s development happens fast and you begin to experience some common 6 weeks pregnant symptoms.

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How big is my baby?

Your baby still looks like a little tadpole and is about the size of a sweet pea. The baby is about 0.13 inches long and weighs about 0.04 ounces.

Baby Development

At 6 weeks pregnant, the embryo is experiencing fast development.  But, the overall length of the embryo is still less than half an inch.

The following organs, body systems, and features are forming when you are 6 weeks pregnant:

  • Jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, and nose begin to develop
  • Ears begin to appear and mouth develops salivary glands
  • Kidneys, lungs, and liver begin to form
  • A part of the intestine begins to form
  • Cerebral cortex (a part of the brain) and neurons (nerve cells) are formed.
  • Heart is beating about 80 times per minute.

6 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

There are few visible body changes that are common at the 6 weeks pregnant stage. You may not even feel you are pregnant at this stage. But, there are some symptoms you will experience. The most common 6 weeks pregnant symptoms include:

Fatigue: Fatigue and tiredness continue to occur until your body gets used to the hormonal activity.

Morning Sickness: Hormone changes in the first trimester can cause morning sickness (nausea and vomiting). Although it is called as “morning sickness”, it can occur at any time of day. Morning sickness usually goes away by the second trimester.

Dizziness/Lightheadedness: Many pregnant women experience dizziness or lightheadedness throughout their pregnancy. This 6 weeks pregnant symptoms is caused by the growth of more blood vessels in early pregnancy, the pressure of the expanding uterus on blood vessels, and the body’s increased need for food.

Sore Breasts: Breast may feel sore and full due to increased blood flow, and as your body prepares to breastfeed your baby.

Frequent Urination: Pregnant women commonly experience temporary bladder control problems in pregnancy. Baby in your womb baby pushes down on the bladder, urethra, and pelvic floor muscles. This pressure is a common 6 weeks pregnant symptoms and it can lead to more frequent need to urinate, as well as leaking of urine when sneezing, coughing, or laughing.

Gas & Bloating: Gas and bloating caused by pregnancy hormone “progesterone” may continue to bother you.

Tips to Stay Healthy at 6 weeks pregnant

  • Continue to follow good prenatal habits like eating healthy food and taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins daily.
  • Be physically active and do moderate exercises to keep fit and good health.
  • Eat small meals or snacks at regular intervals to cope with morning sickness.
  • Drinking plenty of water and stay hydrated.
  • Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, and illicit drugs if you haven’t stopped already.
  • Wear a supportive bra to help relieve breast tenderness.
  • Avoid unpasteurized, salty, spicy, fried, and fatty foods.
  • Take plenty of rest to fight off the fatigue.

Note that you might have an increased libido when you’re 6 weeks pregnant. But relax, it is normal and you’re not going to harm your baby by having sex. Just talk with your partner about what’s comfortable for you.

But if you notice symptoms that makes you feel concerned- including cramps, prolonged spotting, bleeding, or pain- don’t hesitate to call your doctor.

Remember the lack of a baby bump at 6 weeks pregnant doesn’t mean your baby is not growing. So don’t be fooled; your baby is actually growing fast and developing many of its features. More so, don’t be worried about the 6 weeks pregnant symptoms. With time and a healthy lifestyle, you’ll soon find relief.

So, enjoy this 6 weeks pregnant phase, and always talk with your partner and loved ones if you need any support. Don’t forget to be strong because your baby will be preparing to meet you soon!

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