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11 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Development, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

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11 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Development, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

11 Weeks Pregnant

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How Big Is My Baby At 11 Weeks Pregnant?

Your baby is growing quickly and is about the size of a lime. The baby is about 1.61 inches long and weighs about 0.25 ounces.

Baby Development

  • Hair follicles form on the crown and the rest of the body this week.
  • Forehead is less bulging and eyes are positioned in the middle of the face.
  • Nail beds and fingernails are starting to develop.
  • Hands are starting to open and close into fists.
  • Lungs are not fully formed.
  • The heart is completely developed and starting to pump blood.
  • Open nasal passages appear on the tip of the tiny nose.

11 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Fatigue:  You may continue to be bothered by fatigue and tiredness during this week. This happens as your body works extra hard to support the growing baby. This happens despite having a good night’s sleep. This is normal and is not a cause of worry at all. This is your body’s way of telling you that you need more rest. Your fatigue and tiredness will decrease in the second trimester.

Dizziness:  Many pregnant women experience dizziness and lightheadedness throughout their pregnancy. Sometimes you may feel that you are about to fall or faint. These symptoms are caused by many different reasons. The growth of more blood vessels in early pregnancy, the pressure of the expanding uterus on blood vessels, and the body’s increased need for food all can contribute to make a pregnant woman feel lightheaded and dizzy.

Thicker Hair:  Your hair may appear thicker and shinier than usual. This is caused by pregnancy hormones.

Abdominal Pain:  Pain in your abdomen continues as it stretches to accommodate your growing baby. Mild lower abdominal pain for a short period of time is normal. Call your doctor right away if you have constant, severe lower abdominal pain.

Morning Sickness:  Pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting continues to bother in this week. Hormone changes in the first trimester can cause morning sickness (nausea and vomiting). Although it is called as “morning sickness”, it can occur at any time of day. This may continue for another two weeks and subside in the second trimester.

Mood Swings:  Changes in mood and fast changing emotions are caused by fluctuating pregnancy hormones and other symptoms of nausea and fatigue. It is normal at this point in the pregnancy.

Heightened Sense Of Smell:  You may be more sensitive to certain smells than before. This usually happens along with nausea.

Heartburn:  Your may experience heartburn due to pregnancy hormones relaxing the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. This causes food and acids to come back up from the stomach to the esophagus. The food and acid causes the burning feeling of heartburn.

Tender Breasts:  Breasts may feel fuller, bigger, tender and sensitive to touch. It happens due to overflow of blood to the breast tissues and expanding milk-producing lobules.

Bloating And Gas:  Bloating and gas occur as the progesterone hormone relaxes the gastrointestinal tract, causing slowing of the digestion.

Vaginal Discharge:  A white milky pregnancy discharge from your vagina may occur. There is no cause for worry unless the discharge is heavy, tinged with blood, or causing discomfort.

Cramping:  Abdominal cramping continues and it feels a bit like pre-period pain.

Frequent Urination:  You may need to pee frequently because of hormones and extra pressure exerted by the uterus on the bladder. Pregnant women commonly experience temporary bladder control problems in pregnancy. Baby in your womb baby pushes down on the bladder, urethra, and pelvic floor muscles. This pressure can lead to more frequent need to urinate, as well as leaking of urine when sneezing, coughing, or laughing.

11 Weeks Pregnant: Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

  • Enroll in a prenatal class to prepare for upcoming labor and delivery.
  • Continue taking prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid daily.
  • Be physically active and do moderate exercise. Apart from keeping you fit, this will help reduce anxiety and depression.
  • Wear breathable, loose clothes and a supportive bra to feel more comfortable.
  • Stay adequately hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Schedule a dentist appointment to check and prevent gingivitis. Your gums may bleed because of pregnancy hormones and increased blood volume.
  • Stay relaxed and spend time with loved ones and friends to keep stress at bay.
  • Sleep for at least 8 hours and take test whenever possible to beat fatigue.
  • Limit the amount of caffeine intake, as it can impede your baby’s growth.
  • Don’t take any medication or herb without your doctor’s clearance.
  • Consider joining a pregnancy yoga class.

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