We all know that a pregnancy test or an ultrasound is the only way to confirm a pregnancy. However, some signs, symptoms, and some obvious changes in a woman’s body may be suggestive of pregnancy.
14 Early Signs & Symptoms Can Tell That You Are Pregnant
1. Missed Period: A missed period often is the earliest symptom of pregnancy. However, a missed period does not always mean you are pregnant, as it can also be a late period or caused due to some other condition. This possible sign of pregnancy makes most women search for other ways of knowing if she is pregnant.
2. Morning Sickness: Morning sickness (nausea with or without vomiting) is a well-known symptom of pregnancy. Pregnancy brings on some pregnancy hormones and some hormonal changes in the body. Increased hormones cause morning sickness. While some women experience occasional nausea with or without vomiting, others may experience it throughout the day.
3. Darkened Areolas: Areolas are the circles around your nipples. Darkening and widening of areolas are other common signs of pregnancy. This change occurs due to increased hormone secretion.
4. Breast Tenderness: Breast tenderness is another basic symptom of pregnancy. Tender, tingly, and sore breasts are caused by hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy. A pregnant woman’s breasts may feel fuller, heavier, and change shape. This indicates that breasts may be getting ready to deliver milk.
5. Mood Changes: Rapid mood changes are another clear sign of pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone hormones increase in women during pregnancy. Increased levels of these hormones cause mood swings. Mood changes are common during pregnancy and may lead to feelings of depression, irritability, anxiety, and euphoria.
6. Implantation Bleeding: Implantation bleeding is another symptom of pregnancy. Light spotting occurs in some women after 5-6 days of conception. This is caused by implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding refers to bleeding that occurs when the embryo implants itself in the uterus. Sometimes, this is mistaken for a light period.
7. Fatigue: Fatigue is one of the prominent early symptoms of pregnancy. Usually, fatigue develops during pregnancy. Fatigue and tiredness are caused by increased progesterone levels in the body of a pregnant woman.
8. Frequent Urination: Frequent urination may occur during pregnancy. The increased weight of the uterus puts pressure directly on the bladder. This pressure may result in frequent urination. Increased urination may also be caused by hormonal changes and the processing of more fluid by kidneys.
9. Cramping: Tummy cramping is another sign of pregnancy. Mild uterine cramping may occur early in pregnancy when the embryo implants itself.
10. Smell Sensitivity: Change in sense of smell is common during pregnancy. This is another sign of pregnancy. A pregnant woman’s sense of smell often becomes more sensitive. This leads to nausea and food aversion in some pregnant women.
11. Food Craving: Another early sign of pregnancy is food craving. Sometimes, they also experience food aversion. Pregnant women crave food and some of them end up consuming more food than normal.
12. Headaches: Headaches are one of the early signs of pregnancy. Headaches may increase due to migraines. This symptom is more common during early pregnancy.
13. Metallic Taste In The Mouth: Metallic taste in the mouth is another early sign of pregnancy. Pregnant women experience changes in taste during early pregnancy. This change results in feeling an unusual metallic taste in their mouth.
14. Bloating And Constipation: Bloating and constipation is another early sign of pregnancy. Bloating is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy. Pregnancy adds some pressure on the kidneys and bladder. This pressure may lead to constipation.
The above 14 signs and symptoms may surely suggest you are pregnant, but you should consult your doctor and take a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy.